Having appropriate coverage for your vehicle is essential to ensure protection for you, your passengers, other drivers, and your property. However, good insurance coverage does not have to be expensive, and there are ways to save on car insurance without compromising your coverage. Here is how you can get the best Auto Insurance rates.

Consider Your Coverage

Liability coverage for your car is required by most state laws, but the additional coverages, such as collision or comprehensive, are not. If you own an expensive car, you should purchase a comprehensive policy in order to protect your vehicle. However, if your car is cheap, a liability-only policy may be just what you need. Speak to a licensed agent at Team Insurance to receive policy recommendations depending on your individual needs.  

Raise Your Deductible

A small amount that you have to contribute towards the covered loss before your insurance company starts paying for the claim is your deductible. If you have a higher deductible, you will have lower premiums. Most insurance companies recommend to have your deductible at least $500, but if you can afford raising it to $1,000, it can significantly lower your monthly premium.

Maintain a Good Credit Record

Maintaining a good credit record is a sure way to having lower insurance premiums, because insurance companies who check their customers’ credit records consider individuals with good credit scores low-risk customers and offer lower premiums to them. Paying your bills on time and keeping your credit card balances low will help you to have good credit history.

Look for Discounts

Many insurance carriers offer discounts on monthly premiums if you buy multiple insurance policies from the same carrier. For example, many insurance providers give you 5-15% discounts if you bundle Home Insurance and Auto Insurance policies.

Shop Around

The best way to save on Auto Insurance is to shop from multiple carriers. If you are looking for the least expensive insurance policy, you should have the opportunity to receive the quotes from multiple carriers and compare them. With the help of an independent insurance agent, you will have access to multiple policy options from various carriers and choose the policy most suitable for your needs.   

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