Roadside Assistance coverage is a type of an optional coverage on your Auto Insurance policy, which is extremely useful in the event your car breaks down. Roadside Assistance typically includes towing service, battery jump-start service, flat tires replacement, lockout and locksmith services, fuel delivery, and extrication service.

In the event roadside assistance personnel cannot bring your car back to working condition, they will arrange towing the vehicle to the nearest repair shop. They will attempt to start the car by jump-starting the battery, unless the car manufacturer or the reference manual states otherwise. Roadside service professionals will also replace flat tires. Moreover, if you are locked out of the vehicle, roadside assistance will attempt to unlock the car or call locksmith service in case they cannot unlock the vehicle on their own. If you run out of fuel while on the road, roadside assistance can arrive at your location with enough fuel to bring you to the closest gas station. In addition, a service professional will assist you if your vehicle is constrained.

Are you still deciding whether you should purchase roadside assistance coverage? It depends on the age of your vehicle, your range of commuting, and your desire for convenience. If your car is brand new, there might not be immediate need for roadside assistance coverage, which will be a better investment for older cars. Commuting long distances and traveling to unknown places is a good reason to have the additional coverage, but if you only drive the car within small radius, you might know about a body shop close by where you can reach for help.

If convenience is important for you, having roadside assistance coverage is a great option to give you a peace of mind knowing that you will not be left alone should your car break down. Most insurance companies offer roadside assistance as an optional coverage on Auto Insurance policy. Our licensed independent agents at Team Insurance can assist you with looking up the price options from different insurance carriers for comparison.




