Most of the drivers do not think about their driving habits. Instead, they drive vehicles based on habit, muscle memory. SmartRide is a program that helps the drivers in making better driving decisions. Moreover, the program offers discounts on Auto Insurance for participating, along with an additional discount based on the driving data. The insurance provider gives the participants a device to plug into the car, which measures driving habits for around 4-6 months, with the information transmitting directly to the website of the program.

Although the main incentive for using SmartRide is the discount on car insurance, the program is beneficial to the drivers because it provides helpful information in order to make better driving decisions. For example, the SmartRide device will be able to note examples of aggressive driving, such as fast acceleration or hard breaking, which will help the drivers to recognize their habits and promote smoother driving. Every participant of the program receives a detailed report regarding their driving on each trip. Moreover, SmartRide looks at night driving and reduces the offered discount for the miles driven between midnight and 5 a.m. Developing smarter driving habits will lower your insurance rates, which makes SmartRide beneficial for the drivers also from financial point of view.






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